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bloody/bath: “I finally found my love for writing again, and expanded on what I was doing in Fox Chapel”

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Kailan Price is the ShoeTown sonic explorer who has found his wings with bloody/bath. Littering 2020 with gothic-electronic singles to astound, he’s a New Boots pick to break overground this year. We caught up.

Tell us about the birth of this new project bloody/bath. It feels like a cross between Fox Chapel and Poetic Horror; like you’ve found your perfect sound.
It actually started during lockdown as something to do. I just started recording in my bedroom and writing, and managed to churn out some stuff I was pretty happy with. I’ve been working with Corey from a band in the US called Gleemer, who has been doing all the mixing and mastering, and basically bringing up my little bedroom recordings up to scratch.

You released five songs in 2020, and they seem to capture these strange times perfectly. Have you found the songs coming to you thick and fast, with ease?
Yeah, I guess I’ve been quite efficient with my writing at the moment, as long as I have a basic idea to start with, a riff or a bass line, I can just jam something out from there.

You’ve had some tricky times personally recently, with bereavement and heartbreak. Has the music worked as a cathartic vehicle for your emotions? Do you feel stronger for making it?
It definitely has helped me carry on. I think without music my life would feel almost pointless. Also my mum loved my music, and I know she wouldn’t want me to give up, so any success I ever have will be for her. 

The world of playlists seem to really dig the songs, getting you 20,000 monthly listeners all over the globe on Spotify alone. Plus BBC 6 Music legend Lauren Laverne played you on her breakfast show last month. You must be very proud it’s reaching out and touching so many people.
Yeah. I mean it’s actually been amazing. Without being able to play shows during lockdown the playlist exposure along with radio play has been crucial in helping me reach people, so I really am grateful.

You recently have been studying at BIMM in London. Was it a positive and creative venture for you?
BIMM was a weird one for me. I was surrounded by so many people doing pop music I almost felt pressured to also do it, and sort of lost track of what I actually love making – because I wanted to try and impress my peers. Which is a stupid way of thinking. Luckily as soon as I finished uni the bloody/bath project began, and I finally found my love for writing again, and sort of expanded on what I was doing in Fox Chapel. One positive is that I’m definitely more aware of my songwriting and production, and the way I build songs and layer things since being at BIMM.

You’ve found a live band now. Gigs to follow then?
I was quite lucky to have some real talented people offer their services, and I can’t wait to get onto some shows this year.

Who are you currently listening to?
At the moment I just really love Daughters record You Won’t Get What You Want, and I’ve been listening to a lot of ’80s classics, bit of ‘Dancing In The Dark’ by Bruce Springsteen. Why not.

What is your burning desire to do in the future? What plans do you have?
Basically got out and play shows for sure. Also I’m working on an EP, as I think I’ve released enough singles. I think it will be nice to have something that really hones in on my sound, and presents it well to an audience.

The latest bloody/bath single ‘Washed Out’ is available digitally everywhere now.

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