New Boots editor Phil Moore takes you through the best new tracks this week.
Arlo Parks ‘Hurt’
“Just know it would hurt so/Won’t hurt so much forever”. The softly-sung Londoner has produced another alt-pop triumph, bringing a comforting message to those in need. Gorgeous layered vocals, propulsive groove, and the “born-to-do-this” vibe that will see her own 2021.
Caro ‘Cat’s Pyjamas’
Leeds trio who trade in arty indie moves, this songs goes through so many movements that you might be left dizzy in love by the end. Spindly guitars, jittery vocals, a break-out of white-boy funk in the choruses. It’s a package that says “take me home, I have skills”.
Red Rum Club ‘Ballerino’
“All eyes on Ballerino”. More trumpet-assisted guitar-pop energy from the Liverpudlian sextet. Their strength is their superb rhythm section base, which allows singer Fran to emote on top, knowing the band will never falter.
Superlove ‘I Love It’
Bristol noise-pop trio have a slamming bass attack on all their songs, especially this new one, which sounds like it might break my speakers. Muscular riffage is their stock-in-trade, and it really comes across in sweaty live shows [remember them?]. Little production touches give them plenty of depth. It’s metal-pop-rock-punk-beats mash-up is the future, don’t you know.
Dizmack ‘Warning Signs’
Having hit the zeitgeist feel with ‘Poetic Injustice’ a couple of months back, Diz returns with a more personal treatise. All fire and skill in the verses, there’s plenty of emotional heft in those backwards, motion-sickness synths that background his pleas that “the devil don’t call this time”. Also check out other newie ‘222’.
Jimmy & The Moonlights ‘The Bronswik Effect’
That Jordan Noon keeps writing and releasing these fully-realised, country-blues psych-outs quicker than you can count chickens. This one has a top-drawer drawling melody with accompanying slide guitar, before the wildness kicks in, and the song properly kicks ass. Nice Nirvana-referencing double-vocal tricks too there, JN.
Debe ‘Crown Jewels’
Another man with a hard work ethic, he’s back again in no time with this darker follow-up to ‘Farmland’. Debe sounds weary of modern Britain on this one. “We ain’t really gotta do much/Just resurrect Guy Fawkes and let him handle the job/Get the crown jewels back and send them straight to the block”. He’a an essential new artist to have in your life, and no mistake.
Yvng Specs ‘Done It For’
Young Northampton rapper builds on his work on debut album, 2019s A Thug’s Life, this is a collaborative effort with TBoy and Cov’s Lecs Blvck. Bemoaning the lack of money in the rap game, it’s Jamaican lilt and high quality production gives a cracking basis for those strong bars from the trio.
Luke White ‘Together’
White has been buidling an online following this past year or so with his engaging posts and occasional single. Its seven shades of hi-energy pop with plenty of narrative interest, this is one of his better numbers.
Mr. Milise ‘Together We Rise’
“Hold up your hands if you’re with me/Somebody shout justice”. Produced by Billy Lockett in his home studio, fellow NN star Quinton Green [aka Champagne Bubblee] releases a second single under his poet guise Mr Milise. He navigates the current political climate with thought-provoking lyrics; systemic racism, police brutality and racial disparity are all laid bare here. ‘Together We Rise’ is a powerful, stirring work.