New Boots editor Phil Moore takes you through the best new tracks this week.
J Kaz ‘Panicking’
Teaming up with K More on this clubland targeted tune, turning down the afro-pop vibes a little as he fires on the middle verses. With that catchy chorus its another winner to add to the Northamptonian’s burgeoning arsenal.
Sharmaine ‘Stuck In My Head’
The polar opposite of last single, the ballad ‘Excuses’, we’re more in clubland territory here, with skittering beats that bob up and down like joyful waves. Is there nothing this young artist cannot do, and with aplomb? And yes, it will get stuck in your head.
Maddox Jones ‘Can’t Wait For The Summer’
“They’d be people in the streets/Screaming love’s not just a four letter word”. Wow. What a song. Mr Jones goes full into dream territory with verses about what his ideal summer would look like. And you can taste the strawberry cider beer in every line, especially in the ten-storey chorus. I’ve played this song to a few people and you hear them absent-mindedly singing it ten minutes later. It’s hella catchy. And who knows, it could be a sleeper hit with the right radio/playlist support. It certainly deserves it.
Second single from bedroom popper Phil Clark is a more minor-chord joy. Some of that Tame Impala production sound gives its a pleasing slightlydelic edge to what is, at heart, a simple strumalong indie rock track. Its elevated by lots of interesting left-turns, underpinning synths, and some frankly excellent rhythm patterns. Oh, and he wrote an ear-worm opening line and chorus, so he now owns your soul without you realising, because that is nigh on impossible to do in this day and age.
Ashton ‘Problem’
The 18 year-old NNer kicks off his 2021 music life with a sharp garage beat. It’s probably a little too laid back for its own good; the bangs not hitting as hard as they could if the production was fuller. I like his delivery though; spitting out everyday life and elevating it to new heights. Dreaming of a better tomorrow; after the last year we can all relate.
Shorty feat L30 Robinson ‘Man Down’
“I’m sharp, and I’m in the zone”. Hella yeah. Where Chris White and friends show how the midlands rocks, and gets funky. Roping in the lyrical master Leo is a mild stroke of genius, and what might not work on paper works perfectly on this baller. Documenting a tasty night on the tiles by all accounts, they should do a whole album in this style; see where it takes them.
lostoutside ‘Reflections’
What do we have here? Northampton guitarist Al Humphries usually can be found hammering out art-rock riffs in Deep Sea Mountains. But what with lockdown he’s turned his attention to ambient soundscapes. Drown in reverb over on this one, and also ‘Peaches’. Sumptuous stuff.
Ali In The Jungle ‘Fuel on The Fire’
The first track from an EP coming in a few weeks time, ‘Fuel’ is a soulful and quirky pop nugget. The MK area band don’t really ‘do a genre’, more they move around roots sounds like funk and blues and folk and come up with their own unique sound. Singer Tim’s lovely falsetto helps gives it the edge over chugga chugga run-of-the-mills guitar bands.
Daniel Hugh ‘Angel’
The Northampton musician came back late last year after a time away from music as an acoustic singer-songwriter. He’s already new string to his bow by adding soft-rock/synth-pop overtones to this ‘Inspired by Immortals’ EP, and it suits him. Dripping in melancholy, ‘Angel’ has its fist pumps in the air, none-more-80s moments too. Fans of both Ryan and Bryan Adams would do well to seek this EP out.
Divinity City ‘I’
‘Delirium’ is the debut EP from Bristol-based Northampton dude Sam Newman. Alternating between delicious upfront, and more progressive, house sounds, this EP is the sort of mostly-instrumental EDM that makes me desperate for the clubs to reopen and have a 3am epiphany like the good old days.